Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I have a dream...

I had an amazing discussion with a guy from air force over a cup of coffee sometime back and i will never forget it for the rest of my life. We were walking back from somewhere and we got talking. I always knew that these people are stronger than the civilians in their mindset and approach and i have always learned a thing or two from them. So, it was my time to learn from him. He told me about adventure and thrill in air force job and how he overcame his fear. (I told him that i am scared of heights at times and i feel i will fall.. :P)..Suddenly the discussion turned to women in general. I will never forget the words in which he described women. He said that every women on the face of this earth is stronger than him and he has seen it well in Srinagar. He told me about an incident when a woman actually threw herself in burning house to save her child while the entire batallion waited for the fire to extinguish for them to act. He also told that women in general are sweet and kind yet strong when it comes to exploitation and then about how they are moving ahead in life in all aspects. There were many incidents he quoted which made me realize how right he was. If you observe the world around you, you probably are the most gifted one.
I told him about how my dad always dreamt that i should have an individuality and how i should participate in every debate and have an identity of my own. I remember him evaluating everything in life rationally. It was never a case that i am a girl so i must adjust, or give up on my dreams, instead he always promoted that it must be a game of equality, else it will never stay. It was fun to think through the life in general. About how people reacted at every step and decision but i just did it. And it is a fact of life that i am proud of being a woman and i would have never wanted to be on the other side of the road. I know myself as an adamant human when it comes to my self respect and certain decisions in life. All thanks to papa, for just letting me be and telling me that in the end what matters in life is happiness and suffocation never gives one happiness.
He gave me a dream years back. My feet were not strong on groud and i was scared of public speaking, he told me that his daughter can never lose a debate. I participated in 34 debates after that and never lost one. He told me one day that he would love to see me as an MBA coz he thought i had his kind of attitude in life- Fearless , i was his daughter, i should not die with average degrees in life. He said he wanted the best in life for his daughter, because he had a princess and i know that for the rest of my life i will be his princess and strive for the best whatever it takes. I have a dream and i shall live it. :)
My air force friend told me that i have probably inherited the shine in my eyes from my dad and i shall live every dream of his. Thats just what makes women the best in this world and i am one of them. Thank You Pal for the best compliment ever!! :)

1 comment:

Curious MInd said...

'Man's world' is a oxymoron. From Aristotle to Kipling all agreed on one fact that 'female' of the specious is more powerful and influencial then thier counterpart.

Rest is media myth.

