Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine!

This was an amazing day by all standards. I travelled around, had a candle lit dinner with some friends. Not that i really cared about this day ever, but now that its been coomercialized, it just gives me one more reason to have fun. However, to accept the fact, i never understood what love is all about.
I used to ask Dad if what i felt for him was love? He was always the perfect human on the earth for me for all the love that he showered on me. There wasn't a single day when i did not talk to him and sleep and he was the only person i ever thought of when in odd times or good. I remember my first crush, i thought i was in love.. :) I went to papa and asked if, am i in love? He smiled and said may be, its not something that happens in a day, it just grows and then it stays, there is no replacement, all mistakes just get ignored. Its blind in all senses, but it takes time to get blind, if midway, you open your eyes, you were never in love. I smiled at his words, i did not know what they meant. I just knew that i was in love with papa and the fact that he reads out stories to me, he holds my hand and walks when they are cold and then when there were times i saw no way forward, he just told me there is always a way that led to him and he will be there no matter what i was and who i was.
Its been years that i have talked to him, i will not in this life, its the law of nature. I lost myself for sometime trying to figure out what is life without love, only to know that its there everywhere. I just know that all that has gone into my being is his "love". Whatever i do is his love and passion and whatever i see is the world that he saw in my eyes. And yes, its indeed blind, there is no scope to open eyes. Papa, year on year, till i die, you will be my Valentine. You just made my life worth living by being you. You taught me what love, patience, goodness and honesty means. You taught me what forgiveness means and you also taught me that life will take 100 turns, true love will stand by. Needless to say, "I love you." If Valentines is about the "ONE" you love the most, this day is reserved for you. Thanks for giving me a life i love and loved ones i love and will love.


sin said...

everything about this post of urs is right except for the 'label'. Do not insult them by marking them as 'Arbit' :-)

Several tips said...

Good post.