Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Puzzle

I will talk of a puzzle in my blog. Its a very complex puzzle. All parts are perfect and shining, but there is an element of apprenhension in each part. Each part wants to fit in its favourite place. Everyone wants to be a part of completed puzzle. Each part is equally good, but rather than looking at its own value, it is bothered about the other part. The puzzle is smiling at the pieces. It always knew that it was one puzzle. Blocks were cut out from it. Each piece has its place, still each part thought that it will find its place first. The parts forget that the puzzle is not complete till all parts find their place. After all the pieces are cut from it for a reason. :)


Mita said...

Very nicely said gary.
And like all puzzles this one will take time and patience. Need to find the corners first, then the sides and then ... Also remembering that forcing a piece into the wrong place will only makee things more difficult ..

Deepti Ravi said...


And totally agree with mita!!