Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shit Happens!! :)

This is about some very very strange moments in life.
So, i was walking past a crazy road and a bike rider stopped right next to my leg, that was the day i could have lost it. I was like, BOSS, toot jati to?? He was like toot ti kaise madam, maine bacha liya na.. I was like OK! Chill... Sometimes things just happen...
Then i went for this crazy trek and happily slipped from this cliff, in a very sad about to die condition, i looked at my friend who was holding me, i was like Buddy, i have always been proud of the fact that i am healthy and stuff, but gravity is pulling me down.. Bbyes.. he was like hold, S**t happens, you will be out, just try with me.. And i somehow came up, my frend has this huge cut on hand and i haven't got a single scratch.. So, somethings just happen..
I come to Blore, i get my email id 24 hours late, and my laptop 48 hours late and what not (Includes Unit and geo).. I was almost in tears and then i got a call from my frend, so Cheekoo, howz life?? I said ething is just complicated, i dont know what to do.. And then he goes.. Listen, somethings just happen, take a chill pill, go to the swing and watch the moon , you said your home a nice garden and walking area, good things in your life huh?? :D.. I went back home, went for a movie, had nice food and swinged watching the moon.. So, somethings just happen..
This was my famous run on Heathrow.. So, i had to throw some chocolates as my luggage was 5 kg extra.. There is a huge process to throw stuff and it was near London blast.. I was last one to security check in and i ran through the aisle like there is no tomorrow.. I dint know which door to take till a collegue walked out in DDLJ style and said come this side.. This wasnt it i had lost tickets for my connecting flight to India from Zurich.. So, i sit in Zurich and search endlessly in my bag for the tickets.. I get it in some lousy corner, but by then i have just lost it.. BOSS, why me?? So, my colleague smiled and said because if i were in your place, i would have given up at Heathrow, you fight it babes, you just fight it.. Things happen to special people.. :)
So, this was the time in my life when i had to give my high profile MBA admits right after grad.. With those tears in my eyes, i was like i have to give up what i always loved?? And my frend said coz there is better in store for you.. When i got my ISB degree, i just knew that life never takes away anything from you..
If i look at all the things, i feel why somethings happen? But then i know that S**T happens and thank God to them, you are just a different person, coz that gives you the confidence that even if you are out in fire, you will just be fine... I think i dont fear anything in life anymore.. Somethings just happened to make me everything that i am and everything that i will be.. :)


sanzzz said...

Indeed!! I am a big fan of your mental strength.. There are many moments in life when i have felt, this was handled by you well and no one can stand in comparision.. :)

Brain@work said...

somethings just happen...

liked it...I've been reading your blogs for sometime and sensing ur expressions...