Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Art of Living Classes

This is day 2 of art of living classes at ISB. Some 36 of us have joined the classes. I struggle everday to get up at 5 AM and go for the classes. However much one tries, one can not sleep before 2 AM, not because you have lots of assignments or lots of work, but its been 6 months of too much work and sleepless night, so you are awake like a donkey even if you dont have work.
So, the first day i spent 20 minutes contemplating if i wanted to go for the first class or not, bad me said i must sleep and good me said just a matter of one week, you must attend the classes and you have paid for it. So, good me won and i went for the classes, i was 15 minutes late, but the class had not started. First day was wuite average with various stretches and breathing techniques.
What moved me was today. They made us do a cyclic breathing technique called sudarshan kriya. It involved breathing in rhythm for almost half an hour. After the exercise was over and i opened my eyes, i felt as if my head was heavy. I never thought something as mechanical as breathing can move you inside out.
Art of living is indeed something to be tested. And i admire it not just for the calmness that it brings in but mainly due to the professional manner in which they have sold an Indian art. Unlike being foolish, the organzaition had packaged the entire system and branded them well. Since they have money, they have been able to hire eduacted people to impart yoga knowledge and expand their business across the world. The exercises taught in art of living do not come free of cost in an audio or book, but it requires a one to one class with the trainers. This not only leads to buiding of community, but also binds people together which can leveraged for greater good in time to come.
I appreciate the business sense of Sri Sri and his team and i think its worth every penny that they seek out of their consumers. Indians should learn to brand their unique patronage and earn royalty out of it.

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