Thursday, September 13, 2007


It's a rainy day. Bangalore is literally stranded. Water clogged road, standing vehicles and frustration on faces. This is something, i have been seeing for almost three years now. Looking out of window, i had a thought, "A prograssive nation with a population of one billion plus[ me being one of them ] is on standstill for a reason. " What is the reason? Am i talking about a nation which supports a large percentage of cynical youths like me or about a nation that boasts about its growing educated middle class. There is nothing eductaed about this. We are reaping the benefits that fate has bestowed upon us. We are still royal slaves to nations which ruled us 100 years back. We still have a crimpling econmy which is dependent on big players of this world. Education is about turning the world, about differentiating, its not about servicing. Why do i have a feeling that we have done nothing. Why do i have a feeling that i am living in a castle of sand whose foundations are non existent. We do not even have a road to walk on. What are we claiming to be? Years back Gandhi raised a slogan in air to boycott foreign made goods and hence re generate economy. Years later, do we need to boycott our own government to create a pool out of our taxes and work on bettering infrastructure? I think, its high time we wake up and take control in our hands. We carry our weak spines of being ignorant citizens to office everyday. Today's two hour journey told me that i have to do more in life because i am creating nothing out of my prosperity for generations to come. If we can not strengthen the foundation of this nation with the kind of education we have, anyone can make or break it in years to come.


Jay said...

Nicely written. I too remembered my Musing over things back in those long traffic jams of Bangalore.

Once in a while everyone gets a pessimism attack. This looks like one to me:).

Very true that we need to take up things ourselves and fight for the worth of the taxes that we pay but ....

I dont feel we are slaves of the nations that ruled us for 100 years. We are masters of our own world now, we are growing and we are not just one part of the country. The entire country is getting developed. Yes I understand that there is a divide and still many people are devoid of this growth but slowly the growth will reach them also.

Garima Ganeriwala said...

:).. What else would you expect from a person who has spent 5 hours on standing wheels.. Yeah! Call it pessimism attack. I am scared of the tought of being struck in such a mess again.