Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Loss of Inheritance!!

This moment of time says that i have lost all my beautiful clothes, accessories, shoes and some books. My belongings which i couriered from Bangalore to Delhi have been misplaced. I dont know if i will get back my stuff or not, but it was everything that i ever bought and felt happy about in 4 years of my work life. It had my those little memories which might never come back to me.
I had bought a white lacy suit, a black dazzling saree, an extra expensive sandal, some beautiful earrings, my denim frock, my pink skirt ,my favourite night dress, and the teddy with whom i talked almost everyday. Its all over. These were the things i gifted to myself on special occasions. I was not an impulsive buyer but i do like to pamper myself. On every big achievement of mine, i had something which attracted me added to my wardrobe or bookshelf. I was never keen on big things in life, but these small things mattered a lot to me.
Everyone says they were just clothes, but why do i feel as if i have been devoid of all happiness in life and made to stand on ground 0. It was everything that earning gave to me as a person after 12 hours of hard work everyday. I dont know about my bank balance, i never touched the salary cash with my hands, it was all a number, only thing that i could touch and feel were these little things. Is it all over? Why do i feel i am being brought to ground zero? Not that those clothes defined me, but i possessed them, they were mine. I will come out of it, but i feel bankrupt.


Mita said...

Crap that is painful. I feel your pain. Hate it when that happens .. i have lost many things moving countries, and i still remember them from time to time .. Hang in there it might turn up still , i will cross my fingers for you.. Also i know this is hardly a consolation but 'anything that doesn't kill you only makes you stronger' .. however loosing your books and shoes is not nice :(

Unknown said...

Reminds me of all the photographs I lost when the laptop crashed, and the ones that I lost a few years back because the stupid developing studio ruined the film roles :(

Hopefully they will turn up yet :)


Unknown said...

hey Garima,
great thoughts and you have a novel way of presenting stuff.
why don't u write a book?

Praveen Madhukar Naik said...

When such horrible things happens...i close my eyes and say -'Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust'....
Also I remind myself about the things that I didnt lose -An opportunity to make a fresh start.
But you know what. Hope you get your stuff back. Fingers crossed.

Garima Ganeriwala said...

Got my stuff back, thankfully. Aman, i do like to write. I want to write a book sometime in life, not so sure if i will try to get it published though. :)