Thursday, April 16, 2009

The impressive talkers.. Gyaan??

I love people who can talk well and when i mean talk well, i mean people who can smash with words.. I remember how crazy i was about Karan Thapar, Peter Russels.. Its not the vocab, too smooth english, its the simplicity and ability to strongly put the point forth that impresses me totally. Very few people have it. And the gift of gab is probably the most sexy thing to possess. As crazy as it may sound, i want to remind myself years later, i never bothered to visit any faculty outside the classroom time unless it was need of the day, there is one prof, i would just walk by to listen to. I went to this prof a day before the placements in ISB started, as i walked back, a frend of mine asked, how does that guy help a day before placement? Gyaan? I said "Attitude Man!! This is pure attitude, somethings are simple pleasure in life, some poeple, you just want to listen to, doesn't matter even if its bull shit." It wasn't really. I remember i went to my mentor in office before my ISB PI, i said what do i do? He said you have 20 minutes to turn your life, just smash it and being yourself is all you need. I did exactly that. It worked for me AND this prof just did the same to me , "He said, you have 30 minutes to market and sell. If i were you, i would have rocked the world in 30 mins, make sure you do that too and things will come your way. Look what all i have gained out of just 30 mins, thats the kind of time you have in life. Go, kill." I know its gyaan for some, but i so love the attitude of the prof, it was so damn infectious. Some people just get on you, and you know you adore them and you will cut your way, make an effort and give them space, after all they could talk their way into your mind in the first 30 mins that you spent with them. I will never forget what the prof told me, decisions are taken in moments, you will not have time to run excel, do analysis and get back, life needs quick goes, so what matters is the ability to take decisions and put your 100% to twist, turn and make them work to achieve the final goal.

I will list two of my fav talks in life:


"So, how does MBA help?" And the best answer, "I dont know. I can just think bigger, i could have learned a lot in terms of what fails and what works, but i will leave that knowledge here, i will commit my own set of mistakes to move in life. I like challenges and mystery more and i love more people. BTW, i love to dance and MBA gave me enough opportunity to do so. I love to walk at midnight on street and ISB is safe to do so, i like to listen to good speakers, and this place has the best in the world coming in, i like to stretch my limits and i can now stay awake for 20 hours. I have learned that everyone around is fun to be with, there is just so much life floating, be it gol gappa drives, talking with close friends, observing people drowning in beer bottles, crazy times, it was life lived, i loved it. It may not have done somethings magical, but it has done something for sure. I have a smile, and i know it will remain because i have learned to live and do more. I feel my life is shorter than what i wanted it to be. "


This dude for sure impresses me every time he opens his mouth, deserves space in my blog:

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